The Castec Shoring Wall Advantage
Performance Comparison - Engineering Snapshot - Where Used
Shoring Wall Comparisons
Is Time Important?
- Install rate 1.lm x 6M Deep Wall in two minutes
- Typically No capping beam required
- Wall finished as soon as it's installed
- Less time to install anchors (three meter center, no walers)
- Cast a wall into water charged ground without loss of concrete
Is Cost Important?
- Less set up cost - typically the day we arrive is the day we start pouring
- Generally each straight length of wall is attempted in one day, subject to site dimensions.
- Typically no capping beam required
- Given the wall is continuous, typically no shotcrete required.
- 40 MPA concrete poured directly by a pump from truck to the mahcine
Standard Wall Specifications:
- Suited to sandy soil sites only
- Shoring wall thickness 300mm
- Depths up to 6m in one pass
- Reinforced concrete 40MPa strength
- Steel fiber additive to concrete mix
- N16 reinforcement bars installed vertically to the centre of the wall.
Fully designed by NER accredited Structural-Geotechnical Engineer
- Structural drawings (inc. Class 2 Regulated Design Lodgement)
- NER Engineer Installation Certificate
Designs Involving
- Cantilever wall set-up (toe in ground below BEL no bracing)
- Full depth design combined with anchors &/or temporary braces
- Works in water charged grounds
- The Castec shoring walls can include a load bearing element for incorporation into final structure as a permanent wall.
- Can bear ontop of rock profile in ground
Castec Trenching Arm
The Castec Shoring Wall system can be cast in-situ within circa 100 mm of adjoining property boundaries.
Cost Effective
Less preparation and less time on-site means reduced cost. Operates in sandy soil sites, no issues with water charged grounds.
- Retaining walls for Basement carparks – particularly in unstable sandy soils
- Suitable for both single and double heights basements
- Retaining walls, foundation walls and basement wall system
- Mine shafts and tunnel ports
- Flood levee bank raising projects
- Revetment walls for canals
- Foreshore erosion protection
- Trench shoring for underground services
- Service tunnels – hospitals/race tracks
- Canal construction
- Beach erosion and sea walls
- Underground water tanks
- Cut off walls for contaminated sites
- Road work retaining walls
- Ground stabilisation
- Foundation walls on slip slopes
- Packaged with Helcon Screw Piles for greater load bearing walls